Access Keys:

St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Sports Day; P1-P4 Thursday 23rd May, P5-P7 Friday 24th May. 9.15-12noon. Wear PE gear to school. Parents welcome to meet us at Grosvenor pitch opposite school. | PE for this term: Monday Miss Kelly P4. Tuesday both P3 classes, P4 Mr Perry & P2 Mrs McComish/Lynch. Wednesday P2 Mrs Glackin. Thursday both P1s, P5s, P6s & P7s. Swimming - Tuesday Miss Halfpenny, Wednesday Mr Manning. | Be in your line for quarter to 9! Punctuality limits disruption to teaching 😊
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2017 Parents' Week: 23rd - 27th October.

18th Sep 2017

Parenting NI is a leading organisation for parent support in Northern Ireland offering a freephone helpline service, counselling and parenting programmes.

(Parenting NI Phone: 0808 801 0722)

Coming in October - Parenting NI celebrates Parents' Week!

What is Parents’ Week?

Parents' Week is a celebration of the important role parents play in their children's lives. The week takes place every October, in 2017 Parents' Week is from 23rd - 27th October.

As well as celebrating the amazing, and often difficult, job parents do, the week gives Parenting NI an opportunity to focus on issues affecting parents and to highlight the support available.

The aims of Parents' Week are to raise awareness of the importance of resilience, to provide parents with the support to strengthen relationships, encourage parents to be more confident when talking to their children about feelings and emotions, and give parents the tools to build their children's resilience. 

If you or your child require support or advice then please contact our Parent Support Officer Caroline Morelli.

About Parents' Week 2017

This year the theme is "Every Child is a Star" focusing on four key elements:

  • S - strength : Strengthening families by providing them with the support they need to improve outcomes for children and young people
  • T - talk : Encouraging parents to talk to their children about feelings and emotions
  • A - awareness : Raising awareness of the importance of resilience in children and how parents can get support
  • R - resilience : Giving parents the tools to help build their children's resilience

Why not visit for details on upcoming events and support services