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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Sacrament of Confirmation for Catholic children in Year 7 - Friday 21st February at 11am. Fr Martin will be the celebrant | Online applications for POST PRIMARY SCHOOL September 2025 will open at 12noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Thursday 20 February 2025.
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Breakfast Club

Our Gregg’s Healthy Eating Breakfast Club is open every school day from 8.10am-8.45am and is based in our school hall. All items are FREE to all children, parents (adult guardians), brothers, sisters & staff. 

Daily menu items include – Toast, cereal, fresh fruit, smoothies, juice & yoghurt with weekly specials such as beans on toast, pancakes & fruit kebabs.

Attending Breakfast Club is a great opportunity for children to socialise with friends before the start of the school day. It also helps to reduce the stress faced by parents every morning as you juggle, breakfast, dressing, schoolbags etc. Parents can simply drop the kids off or stay and join us for a cup of tea and some breakfast. We hope the Breakfast Club will also help family finances and reduce your weekly shopping bill as we will be providing a wide range of breakfast products – all totally FREE.

Staff, parents and children can be found every morning sitting together to eat, chat and develop closer relationships. What a great way to start the day!

The success of our breakfast club is clearly due to both the support and sponsorship we have received from Gregg’s Foundation and the CBI and the great partnership we have nurtured with our parents who work voluntarily every morning to provide the service.  New volunteers are always welcome to join our team!